Fiction’s Present : Situating Contemporary Narrative Innovation

Fiction’s Present : Situating Contemporary Narrative Innovation / sous la direction de Ralph M. Berry & Jeffrey R. Di Leo, Albany (US) : State University of New York Press, 2008, 295 p.

  • Le site Amazon permet de découvrir la citation suivante (p. 155) : « I also would argue that the future of fiction lies in writers’ ability to complicate notions such as Deleuze’s and Guattari’s in ways that I cannot yet foresee, ways that might lead back, among other places, to other Heideggerian notions. I begin to get a hint of such a direction in the work of Antoine Volodine, whose ability in Minor Angels to assemble a novel-lenght text out of dozen of discrete « narracts » that both do and do not hold together seems to be pointing toward structures that are at once errant in a Heideggerian sense and have short bursts of Deleuzian velocity. Or, in Eric Chevillard’s Palafox (2004), in which…»

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